Monday, May 2, 2011

Ep. 13: Evazan

Evazan has been winning battle of the bands competitions around the Hudson Valley, NY for the last few years.  Their sound heralds back to Incubus at the turn of the century, when they got on the radio and went multi-platinum.  Full of well-articulated lyrics and ripping guitar solos, Evazan rocks and rolls through clubs and bars, collecting fans every step of the way.  If Evazan's music isn't your bag, you still have to admit that they're fun, talented, and great performers.

I was never a big Incubus fan, but I really appreciated their very early recordings because they were eager to experiment with varied time signatures and radical shifts in genre within the same track.  Their radio hits never excited me because they went from radical experimentation to playing it safe.  The influence of turn of the century Incubus on Evazan's sound is undeniable; so, If Evazan is playing it safe, I'd urge them to cut loose.  The songs are well structured and well performed.  They have the musical talent to pave their own path through the rock genre; but, for the time being, I have to admit that I'm waiting for them to develop their own, unique sound.  It really is only a matter of time, though, because their musicianship is at such a high level that, eventually, they'll shed their influences once they build up the confidence and fan-base they deserve.

There's a reason Evazan wins battle of the band competitions and I have every bit of confidence that you'll be hearing more about them soon.  Right now, Evazan is climbing to their peak and they will blow you away once they reach that high point together.

Click here to view Evazan's Facebook profile and to listen to more tracks.